Top 20 Dietitian Podcasts You Must Follow
Health has emerged as a paramount concern for humankind, largely due to significant lifestyle changes. Whether you're battling obesity, trying to gain weight, or simply aiming to sustain your current health, you'll invariably need sound guidance to achieve your fitness objectives. Adopting a diet that emphasizes anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting foods, along with options that aid digestion, boost energy, and provide stress support, is a crucial step in enhancing your well-being. To guide you on this journey, you need access to expert dietitians and reliable information. Below is a curated list of the top twenty dietitian podcasts, each offering insights into achieving the health transformation you desire.

The Mindful Dietitian Podcast
The concept of diet has long been misunderstood—the lack of knowledge about the subject has led to unhealthy eating practices. If you want to debug all those myths, listen to 'The Mindful Dietitian Podcast.' You can explore plenty of exciting health and diet-related topics through this podcast with expert dietitians focused on 'body inclusivity, Health At Every Size, the Non-Diet Approach and Mindfulness-based practice.' This podcast's content has improved many lives by helping regain body confidence. For more body-inclusive practices, tune into its episodes regularly.

Maintenance Phase
Only some things you get to hear from someone are true regarding health. Everyone has a different experience of gaining or losing rate through diet; therefore, an expert opinion is always needed to debunk the speculations. The Maintenance Phase is an inspiring wellness podcast hosted by Michael Hobbes and Aubrey Gordon that helps you understand the 'science' behind your health. Each episode is dedicated to integral health concerns that need to be addressed. You are more likely to enhance your knowledge and understanding of your body and its functionality. Be a better you with a daily dose of Maintenance Phase.

Dietitian Boss With Libby Rothschild
If you are a dietitian and struggling to set up a business or kick-start your professional life, Dietitian Boss is the podcast you should be tuning into. It is a platform 'for dietitians and by a dietitian.' The podcast host Libby Rothschild is a registered dietitian who responds to all the queries and questions regarding the subject in each episode. This podcast's mission 'includes disrupting the field of dietetics by creating more private practice operators.' Your career will get the much-needed boost, and you will learn to make money using your skills and knowledge as a dietitian. Do subscribe for regular updates!

Food Psych Podcast With Christy Harrison
Food Psych Podcast hosted by Christy Harrison is genuinely one of a kind! Harrison is a journalist, anti-diet registered dietitian, and certified intuitive eating counselor' who is highly against the diet culture and unnecessary avoidance of food items to stay healthy. Since she has suffered from an eating disorder and has overcome it, her content is highly relatable for a wider audience. The podcast was launched in 2013 and has gained tens of thousands of listeners worldwide over the years, thus, signifying how valuable its content is. You must take advantage of this fun-filled and helpful podcast!

The Cancer Dietitian Podcast
Cancer is one of the deadliest of diseases. Whether a cancer survivor or a patient, you are the bravest! Fighting cancer requires you to be more vigilant about your diet to help your body heal, strive through the treatment and reduce the chances of recurrence. The Cancer Dietitian Podcast by Julie Lanford is solely dedicated to those who are victimized by the disease. What you should eat, what to avoid pre and post-treatment, you will know it all through it. Moreover, there is also more nutrition myth bursting in the episode that will benefit your overall health.

Foodtrainers podcast, hosted by an NYC-based dietitian Lauren Slayton is an attempt to educate people about the relationship between their diet and health. You will get 'real-life solutions for all your fitness issues.' In a light-fun-filled conversational style, you will learn some life-changing hacks to maintain your Wellness while eating whatever you like. The nutrition info you will get here is unique and will make you feel much happier since you will unlock the secrets of living a happier and healthier life by focusing on your health. Be sure to catch all of its episodes!

Sound Bites a Nutrition Podcast
Sound Bites a Nutrition Podcast is one of the most popular platforms for health-related queries. It is hosted by an award-winning nutrition expert Melissa Joy Dobbins and is known for its insightful content. The podcast includes conversations with researchers, academics, authors, and dietitians to explore the science and link between food and health in detail. If you become a regular listener, you can make informed nutritional decisions that will benefit your body in the long run. Base your food choices on facts rather than fears!

Nutrition Rewired
The way food can transform and heal your mind and body is only comprehendible once you know the link the two share. You are what you eat. Nutrition Rewired is about helping you redesign yourself by choosing healthy food options. You will be amazed to know how minor changes in your eating habits can elevate your wellness. This podcast will teach you more about gut health, immunity, CBD, supplements, diet, food, sleep, hormones, and everything that can contribute to your fitness journey. Listen to this podcast regularly for the latest updates on healthcare tips.

Find Your Food Voice
Burdening yourself with unnecessary fears associated with food will not benefit you in any way; instead, it will lead to health deterioration. Find Your Food Voice is a mindful podcast by a food behavior expert and registered dietitian Julie Duffy Dillon is focused on 'rewriting the food, eating and body rules' that society has fed us over the years. You will learn to 'defy diet culture, reclaim your peace and liberate your body' for a happier and healthier you. Listen to this podcast on any of your favorite apps and discover a new self.

Leanne Ward Nutrition
Leanne Ward is a famous Australian nutritionist, dietitian, social influencer, media, and sports dietitian. She started her podcast Leanne Ward Nutrition out of a passion for a balanced, healthy, and active life. She has over ten years of experience in the field and is dedicated to helping women transform their bodies to regain self-love, peace, and happiness. This podcast is your go-to option for practical fitness and healthy living tips. Listen to its engaging episodes on any of your favorite podcasts app.

Wellness for the Win Podcast
One of the common misconceptions about healthy living is that you might need to break the bank or constantly worry about calorie tracking. If any such thought hinders your life transformation, you must listen to Wellness for the Win Podcast. Other than exploring the convenience of maintaining a healthier mind and body, you will learn to have a more wholesome approach towards life, whether; you want to keep healthy relationships intact being a helping hand to society. This podcast is full of positive vibes; you will love its content.

Tips With Toni Podcast
Starting your fitness journey can be full of questions and tough spots. What should you eat? What should you stay away from? How much should you eat? It feels like there's so much to think about.
But don't worry, the Tips With Toni podcast is here to help you out every step of the way. This podcast is like having a friend who knows all about eating healthy and staying fit. Toni Marinucci is the host, and she's been a dietitian for 10 years, helping people just like you get better at taking care of themselves.
With each episode, you'll start feeling more sure of yourself and ready to make the changes you want to see. She's been doing this for a long time, so she knows how to make things clear and easy to follow.
Get ready to make your fitness journey a lot smoother and more fun with Toni's help.

Upliftfit Nutrition Podcast
Women are often more prone to hormonal imbalance and the health issues linked to it. Suppose you have been battling any such concern and do not know how to let your body heal naturally and eliminate hormonal imbalance. In that case, Upliftfit Nutrition Podcast will facilitate you through it. This podcast was started to 'help give women the knowledge, tools, and confidence to rebalance their hormones, master their metabolism, and become the boss of their own body.' You will learn everything that will help you reclaim your health and wellness. Lacey Dunn is an inspiring host and a functional medicine dietitian and is exceptionally welcoming towards the queries from the audience. You won't find a platform that is better than this to start your fitness routine.

Sunny Side Up Nutrition
Raising a healthy is anything but easy. There are so many myths regarding kids' diet and eating habits; you often need clarification about what to feed your baby and what not. If you are also worried about raising a 'competent eater' and healthy kid, Sunny Side Up Nutrition is the podcast dedicated solely to this niche. It is hosted by Elizabeth and Anna Lutz, child-feeding experts and registered dietitians who will make your life stress-free by sharing their experiences and simple, affordable recipes for your kids' daily meals. The hosts' thorough working and personal experience

We all crave a healthy life, particularly during our senior years. However, we rarely know how to treat our bodies and care for our minds from the beginning to stay perfectly well in the long run. EAT, DRINK; LIVE LONGER is the podcast that helps you find your way to the 'fountain of youth.' It includes interviews with dietitians, scientists, and wellness experts who are happy to share their knowledge to make you feel good and young with every bite and sip. The host, Liz Weiss, launched this show in 2008 and has grown in popularity ever since.

Food Heaven With Wendy and Jess
A healthy diet is a far-fetched idea once you access genuine content. Food Heaven is a podcast by Wendy and Jess aimed at making your living much better, simpler, and healthier. Each episode features food and health experts who believe in dismantling the restrictive diet concept and promoting healthy eating practices. You will learn to balance your life and take qualified care of yourself. This podcast will completely transform your life.

Dishing Up Nutrition Podcast
You are what you feel. You might not know this, but your foods significantly impact your feelings. Understanding the connection between the both will help you maintain healthy living. Dishing Up Nutrition Podcast enables you to explore wellness secrets and will motivate you to eat better and live better. You will learn to reclaim your health and have a balanced life. Make sure to tune into its episodes regularly.

Less Stress Nutrititian Podcast
As you dive into the fitness journey, it becomes hard to separate the facts and fiction, and you often practice something that could be more effective. If you are looking for authentic content that can help you deal with health problems related to 'gut health, hormones, allergies/immunity, eczema, sleep,' Less Stress Nutrititian Podcast is explicitly designed for you. This podcast empowers women's lives by letting them focus on their self-growth and health improvement and sustaining it. Moreover, learn to overcome 'food reactions, fatigue & inflammation, and stress less about nutrition!

Nutrition Diva
Only some things you hear about fitness and health can be valid or effective. You need to learn to draw a fine line between facts and myths, and no one does it better than Nutrition Diva. This inspirational podcast hosted by Monica Reinagel is full of diverse fitness talks that will benefit you in one way or the other. You will learn to make 'eating healthy just a bit easier – and much saner.' This podcast is one of the best health advice for you that will be more practical and easier to follow.

Nutrition Facts
If you or anyone around is struggling to lose weight, lower the blood pressure, prevent the onset of Alzheimer, and feel better, that too naturally, the Nutrition Facts podcast with Dr. Greger will help you deal with it all! This is as miraculous as it sounds! Your food choices can make you happier, healthier, and more fulfilled. The content of this podcast unveils the fact that it will help you add more years to your life. Nutrition Facts will make your fitness journey a success!
Taking care of your mental and physical well-being is essential for a more fulfilling life. No matter what age group you belong to, developing healthy eating habits always works like a charm. If you need more clarification about starting a healthier lifestyle, these podcasts will show you the way around.